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Chief Inspiration Officer

A Premier Leadership Mastery Course for Executives, Directors & Managers

Be the Boss Everyone Wants to Work For


Were you 'thrown' into a management role? Or did you deliberately and strategically work to get there?

When you reached a leadership position did you suddenly realize that leadership was harder than you thought?

Do you face demanding team members, underperforming staff, stress, expectations, pressure from upper management, ever-increasing KPI's?

Are you craving a blueprint to help guide you through the challenges?


Imagine If You Could...

  • Lead a team excited to come to work every day. 

  • Manage through conflict with ease and confidence. 

  • Communicate with clarity and impact. 

  • Be a resilient role model no matter the challenges.

  • Know exactly who to hire and when to fire

  • Build your dream team that follows your guidance & direction.

Val Ries, Chief Inspiration Officer Manangement Mastery Course
Heather, Sr. Marketing Manager

Sr. Marketing Manager

I’ve become a more influential leader

Val’s approach is creative, considerate, thoughtful and intricately precise for the person at the place they are at that time. The changes I've implemented from Val's management mastery training has truly helped me become a more influencing leader.  It is the best resource we have when it comes to managing people to achieve our desired results. 


Chief Inspiration Officer
Management Mastery Course

Chief Inspiration Officer, Management Mastery Course Infographic

Check out the modules:

Module 1 : Becoming a Chief Inspiration Officer.

Many of us weren’t taught how to get the most from others. This leads to confusion of our role. In this module, we give you clarity on that role so you can lead any situation with confidence and ease.

Module 2: Inspire Yourself so you Can Inspire Others.

You know those times when you are triggered, having an off moment, or a frustrating day? We’ll explore the CAVE method that explains why we get overloaded with the nitty gritty. Once free from the CAVE, you’ll have the confidence to focus more on vision, authentic communication and team cohesion.

Module 3: How to Increase Employee Engagement.

Over the years, we've found that team members desperately want five things from their leaders. As luck would have it, those five items form the acronym CRAVE. This tool helps you deliver what your team members need most, leading to increased engagement, collaboration and productivity.

Module 4: Create a Microculture that Thrives.

Journey through the Real Ideal method, so you can unlock your vision and chart a course to inspire others towards the same goal. Establishing a team microculture makes it easier to drive employees towards a common goal based on shared values, vision and understanding.

Module 5: Master the Art of Challenging conversation.

Communication can make or break any relationship. You'll learn the incredibly powerful 3-step communication tool that drives the behaviors & outcomes you want to see, even with the most challenging of situations. 

 Plus, get these great bonuses: 

How to Hire

 Learn how to attract and onboard the team everyone wants to be on.

When to Fire

Know when to let go of an employee who no longer serves the micro culture you are creating.

How to Talk with your Boss:

Get buy-in from your boss by knowing how to communicate upward & become an advocate for yourself and your team.

Meaningful Meetings

Lead productive meetings that balance tasks with relationship building. 

Chad, Director of Software Sales

 Director of Software Sales

I Get More Buy In

Val has found a great way to help polish my management style. She takes my strengths and uses those to sharpen the conversations I have with my team. Before our training, my conversation with the team was more "directive". With the management mastery training, I have learned to ask questions and get my team  talking more, creating more of a "buy in".

Executive Muse

This Is Everything You'll Get Inside The Course:

5 Training Modules 

4 Bonus Trainings

Module 1:
Becoming A Chief Inspiration Officer 

Module 2:

Inspire Yourself So You Can Inspire Others

Module 3:

Know What Your Team Craves

Module 4:

Create A Microculture That Thrives

Module 5:
Master The Art Of Challenging Conversations.


How To Hire

When to Fire

How to Talk to Your Boss

Meaningful Meetings

DISC® - Coming soon

Free Bonus Resources

Workbooks, Quizzes, and Self-assessments

Plus get a free PDF copy of Chief Inspiration Officer! 

Shall we have a chat?

We have to see if the CIO program is a good fit for you and your team first.
So feel free to book a free 45 minute introduction call here.

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CIO Book readers can get a sneak peek at Module 1 by entering their coupon code here

Why invest in the 
CIO: Management Mastery Course? 

At Work, only


of employees consider themselves “very engaged” 

Disengagement costs up to


per year in the U.S. alone, 

Managers are responsible for


of the variance in employee engagement.

Engaged employees are 


less likely to leave their organization.

Anchor 1
Executive Muse
Mark, Director of Medical Sales

Director of Medical Sales

I’m less stressed

There has been a big reduction in stress for me as it pertains to employee relations issues. I am able to handle these issues with confidence and leave them at the office, which is new for me. 

Employees leave their manager, not their company. Be the boss that gives employees a reason to stay.

Be the boss that gives employees a reason to stay

Uncover your blocks, limiting beliefs and behaviors that subconsciously prevent you from being as influential as possible.  

Understand what drives your team to be productive, engaged & loyal.

Drive your team towards your goals and vision

Weed out underperformers

Redirect any difficult conversation with confidence and ease

Who is this course for?

This is for you if...

  • You have a growth mindset & are willing to do the work.

  • You're part of a team wanting to go through a course together.

  • You’ve read the CIO book and want extra guidance.

  • You're overwhelmed, uncertain or confused about how to handle certain leadership challenges. 

  • You value a thought-provoking experience (instead of just knowing the concepts).

Who is the Chief Inspiration Officer Management Mastery Course for?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long is the course?
    There are 5 core modules and 5 bonus modules broken into 1-3 lessons. Each module should be between 10-20 minutes total to listen to. There is also an accompanying workbook. Should you choose to stop and answer the reflective questions (recommended), then each module should take between 30 - 60 minutes to complete and is designed to be done in consequential order.
  • How long will I have access?
    You will have access to the course material for 1 year, unless you have a specialized contract with Val. This is designed to ensure you dive in and practice the exercises.
  • Is this course advanced enough for me?
    Whether you are a new leader or tenured, you will get value from these skills. Many leaders want the reassurance that what they are doing is “correct”. They also want new ideas on how to work with different personalities, communicate efficiently and optimize their results. The skills you’ll learn are thought-provoking and are advanced no matter your level.
  • How much time should I allocate to doing the exercises?
    This course is designed to be thought-provoking and self-reflective. It works best for those that can humbly look at their leadership style and be honest about what might be getting in their way. Val teaches the techniques and then provides workbooks, templates and quizzes to help guide you along the journey. Some exercises may take a few minutes and others may require 10-20 minutes to practice (like a difficult conversation).
  • Is this for companies only?
    Many companies want to put their cohorts through group training. Typically compainies leverage the hybrid approach to training where their teams listen to the modules indivually and then come together as a team with a certified faciltiator to work through the concepts. However, individual leaders do not have the luxury of their companies paying for high-level training. That’s why I created this management mastery course. It’s designed for individuals and companies alike.
  • What if I decide it's not for me?
    I provide a 100% money-back guarantee within 2 weeks of purchase. No worries. I only want people in my course who see the value and I support both those who choose to be there and those who don’t.

Are You Ready To Transform The Way You Lead?

Kendra: Regional Sales Manager

Regional Sales Manager

Challenging conversations are now rewarding

"I now influence others with a different approach that has made such a beneficial impact and resulted in better relationships with my team. I no longer find myself 'telling' someone what should be done or how it should be done. It has been a change I've embraced."

Management Mastery
for Companies 

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Companies benefit from the management mastery training using a 'hybrid' approach,

The hybrid approach is a perfect blend of self-guided learning, accountability AND personal guidance and support.

Why this approach?

Because learning benefits from repetition.

And the more diverse ways the learnings are delivered, the stronger and deeper the knowledge is retained.


Your team will be guided, supported and encouraged each step of the way with:

  • Video Modules

  • Group Coaching

  • Group Accountability

  • Workbooks

  • Expert Leadership Coaching

  • PDF access to Chief Inspiration Officer

This way we'll be 'on the same page' (literally) when we work together on the workbooks, assessments and coaching.


See what other team’s have said….

"The training program helped expand my vision on what's possible with my employees. It builds upon great research and key insights to deal with your toughest employee challenges."

Matthew Fox
Project Manager, Fox Consulting

Why 100% of participants recommend this course

"The byte -sized nature allows time to reflect and implement."
"I gained so much clarity on the ideal attributes that I like to see in my team."

"The course provides great tips and tools for building high performing teams"

"The CRAVE model is really catchy and hits the nail on the head."

"The energy, information, and impact was great."

"I loved watching the concepts unfold in real time with real world scenarios."

"The templates and workbooks enable participants to put the concepts into practice."

Are You Ready To Transform The Way You Lead?


Schedule a Call To Discuss Digital Access, Group Masterminds, and Other Training Options.


Schedule a call to discuss course program options.

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